Someone was talking the other day about creativity and how to keep it going. Do you paint, write, dance, etc., just when the mood arrives? How long do you wait for that “special feeling” to come over you in order to create?
The answer is you don’t wait! Creating is a muscle you get to strengthen each day. Somehow we have the notion that creating is something we do when we feel like it.
Let me propose another theory…….Creating is like eating. We do it everyday to nourish our bodies. Creativity is like food….it nourishes our soul. We as individuals are creative everyday of our lives whether we know it or not. Our creative ability to talk ourselves into buying that special dress, designing the garden in the spring, cooking that special meal for friends, decorating the table for the holidays…..the list is endless. We create because it is in our DNA. Creating is the one thing we have in common with everyone in the universe.
Your creative place may be the kitchen table, a designated room or a desk.
Go to that creative space and catch the flow of the universe.