OK, I’m mad. I realize this is an art blog and should be inspirational but today is different. I am mad at what is going on in America. The health care bill was passed but some are reacting like spoiled children. Didn’t their Mothers explain to them there is a “give and take” in our lives and what we view as right and wrong? The violence that is being promoted by those who stand by and are unwilling to accept responsibility for their actions are pathetic. They are saying from the sidelines “go for it” but in public they deny any participation. Does that constitute cowardice to you?
The health care bill passed. Was it perfect….NO. Did it do everything I wanted it to do…NO. Is it a start for a better tomorrow….YES! Maybe you agree but maybe you don’t …. that is what America is about. But violence to prove our point….I don’t think so. I thought we were smarter than that.
How quickly we forget when the fight for “Womens Right to vote” exploded in the political arena. I wasn’t part of it and neither were you but we have a lot to thank for our sisters who gave so much so we can vote…imagine not being able to vote because you are a woman!!!!!
Then came the” Civil Rights Movement“, Black and whites gave their lives to insist that blacks should have the same privileges as those of us who were born white. The outrage was fierce. I know, I lived in the South at that time. Those who chose to change a wrong to a right had intense, powerful courage .
No Sarah, we shouldn’t “Reload”, we should sit back, realize the power of words to those who are prone to violence. Take time to do things in a positive way, a way that will benefit our country….perhaps a thoughtful walk for peace and compassion for others. Reload…..no, I don’t think so Sarah. It is time to step back and remember that change is difficult….and change is the one thing that is always constant. Is change good?….your choice… but violence camouflaged as right is never the correct choice.