I have known for years that my lack of patience was a major downfall in my personality. This lack of patience deals with getting things done not impatience with people. I am a doer. Decide to paint the bedroom one morning……done that evening. After moving into a new/old home with a one car garage with zero insulation I knew I had to do something. The Colorado winters are a bit too cold to not have any insulation in the area where I work all day. I decided to add another garage to make it a two car garage ( of which the car will NEVER see) and that would be my studio. Insulated and all ! Sounds great….right?
With my mindset in tow I figured out how long it should take and prepared my psyche. Oh, how wrong I was! I forgot about inspections, electricians, drywall, wet concrete, painters, the sealing of the concrete floor that has to sit for 3-4 days before I can stain the floor, rain, drying time, etc. Having the best crew in the world didn’t help with my impatience.
I guess what I am saying here is….. I need a little help.
How do you handle your impatience? Does it effect your your ability to write, paint, create?
I need some “feel good” advice.
(PS….I would have added photos of the studio in progress but the files were too big ….another thing to learn)