Twenty-two beautiful women got together for the Fine Art Collage and Mixed Media Workshop in Taos, New Mexico. What a group! They were all fabulous! There were many funny moments… being….in my talks I said I didn’t want to see any “pantie pink” in their paintings. After lunch I entered the studio only to find this on the studio wall. I’m sure you can tell…we bonded early and we bonded strong.
We celebrated birthdays, an anniversary and the growth of each artist as they discovered their true creative beauty. There were moments of questioning ….Have I waited too long to start my dream? Am I too old? Can I produce meaningful art? Why have I waited so long? Am I worthy? Important questions that required insight . These deep sensitive questions were filled with tears of fear, remorse and a longing for an easier answer. Respect for each other, their struggles and desires gave permission for each artist to look into the mirror of self.
These artists not only painted with all their heart but played with equal passion.
On Thursday evening we had a pot luck dinner at my home….WOW….the table overflowed with scrumptious food arranged with colors and textures in mind.
We were then entertained by Lonnie Swanson with a inspiring hula dance and then a impromptu “can you copy me” story by Amy Gardner and Pat Chapman. Creativity ran ramped along with admiration and laughter.