I left Taos, New Mexico a few days ago and returned to Colorado Springs for the winter. The drive was spectacular with autumn in her fullest beauty. LaVeta Pass was breathtaking.
Autumn is my favorite time of year with its cool temperatures filled with sunshine. It is also a time to revel in the glory of summer while preparing for the quiet of winter.
I had five fabulous workshops this summer and fall. I will tell you about the last three in the next blogs but for now I want to bask in the exciting peace of crisp evenings, trees filled with cadmium yellow medium and cadmium yellow deep, purple asters, burnt sienna vines and soft breezes that touch the heart.
We as artists have a glorious life.
We see colors that others are too busy to witness.
We see design while others see ordinary.
We treat texture as if it were gold.
We sometimes embarrass family and friends when we pick up a piece of trash on the sidewalk to use in our next painting.
We, as artists, see the world as an exciting adventure we can’t wait to decipher and put on paper or canvas……or perhaps a quilt, produce a book, write a song or create a dance.
We are able to touch others with our quirky creativity.
We offer strangers a glimpse into a world they want to see.
We are viewed as “different”…..and we realize this is our gift.