It has been a fast paced world for me during the past couple months. I have neglected my blog and I apologize for this.
My workshop in British Columbia was beyond the word fabulous. I taught on Victoria Island in the town of Nanaimo which is about a twenty minute flight from Vancouver. Mary Stewart, CEO of , runs her workshops with a firm velvet hand….in other words…she is fabulous !!!
I arrived with a raging sinus infection and discovered the Canadian health care system to be wonderful….thank goodness for penicillin !!!
There were things I learned on this trip :
I had forgotten how the low dense fog of late afternoon embraces the winter fields as if protecting them with a soft thick gray blanket.
I had forgotten the deep trance brought on by the tide as the water comes ashore with its rhythmic sound.
I had forgotten when seagulls gather there is at least one bully.
Not only were wonderful memories made in Nanaimo with many beautiful people there was loads of fun for all.
Here are some images of the work produced during the workshop.