today we’re going to talk about edges – because edges will make or break a painting!
Now, let’s say that you have you have two shapes. They are different colors – kind of close but different colors – and you’ve got this edge, and you don’t want this edge. How are you going to make a soft, sensual edge to make this painting flow? That’s what edges do: they help the painting flow through. You can’t have hard edges unless, well, they’ve been all over the painting; unless that is really what you want, but usually you want a combination. You want your hard edge at your center of interest and your softer edges at the outer part so that they just glow – so that they just flow through.
So, what I’m going to do is a demo for you how to do that: how I do that, and how I do it with my brush because I do it a little differently. I hold my brush a little differently and I use it on the side. Let me show you!