Incredible, Fun, Exciting and Powerful Art Workshops

Change forces us to grow … that is just what change does … but what I always ask is, “How are we going to shift our thoughts and vision to achieve my dreams.”

I say: You are going to do this by rising to the challenge! We must move forward and find that personal artistic voice within ourselves!

Read below key takeaways from my retreats!

  • You want to get honest critiques that transform and empower you
  • You want to develop a painting style that is uniquely yours
  • You want to be surrounded by exquisite beauty and like-minded creators, because beauty and the group mind bring out creativity in you
  • You want to be inspired to create paintings you never dreamed you could do
  • You know there is a connection between art and spirituality, and you are ready to connect with this power
  • You want to learn how to develop confidence in yourself and your art — because you know how you see yourself as an artist is how you approach your easel
  • You want a safe place to create glorious failures — because you know it is your failures that open the door to creative success
  • You need an instructor who shares her vulnerability so you can safely release yours

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to grow, develop your artistic voice, and become the artist you have always dreamed of being.

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I've not yet released the dates for my next batch of retreats.

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Marcia rates this 5️s

Do it! Don’t wait. The experience of working alongside other students who are struggling with your same issues in such a supportive environment is very empowering….and very much worth the investment in time and dollars. This kind of work can make you feel vulnerable, and Gwen understands this. You will not only grow in skill and technique, you’ll be supported by Gwen’s true heart. This is a safe place for the soul of the artist.

Marcia Hoeck

Jessica rates this 5️s

What a blessing and encouraging influence you have been in my life! I am so thankful as you have been a major reason I’ve kept painting! Thank you!

Jessica J.

Barbara rates this 5️s

I’ve never thought of myself as “artistic”, but you opened up the world of possibilities for me. You are a teacher in the true sense of the word. Thank you, Gwen

Barbara S.

Nancy rates this 5️s

I am grateful for having experienced your creative passion and artistic spirit. You never cease to amaze me in your gentle, quiet and powerful responses that propel women forward! Thank you for propelling me forward.


Viki rates this 5️s

Thank you for your instruction, guidance, encouragement and inspiration during our week together. You gave us all the freedom to try new things and the permission to not be afraid of mistakes or failure. I am so very grateful for your generous and thoughtful help.

Viki A.

Vicki gives this 5️s

The workshop was just what I needed to revive my creative spirit. As a teacher you have all the ingredients…warmth, knowledge, leadership and a way of nurturing individuals as they need it. You also have a great laugh.

Vicki Maenza

Sherri gives this 5️s

Inspired by my grandson’s simple watercolor painting, I challenged myself to use his palette, and come up with a strong, simple, design. I think I drew, 5 thumbnails, then grabbed the largest gessoed canvas I had and went to work. I had my colors, big brushes, and I knew I had a strong design and it had a title…Finding Refuge… This painting came together in an hour!! It was crazy!… Thank you for helping me find my voice.


Ann gives this 5️s

Decided to bring art back to the front about 5 years ago…I had reached a plateau and needed a boost…to launch in a good direction… I feel more confident, ok to screw things up and I feel much safer trying to be an artist.

Ann Flemmings

Jenn gave this course 5️s

I’ve spent the morning & much of yesterday reflecting on the amazing week I was so blessed to have with you. Your workshop experience completely blew me away! It was the safest place my artist spirit has ever been to. I took huge risks and learned to trust myself this week. I’ve shown & sold my work in New York — and I have had much success in selling at other shows & galleries. I have collectors internationally, and I would consider myself somewhat established in my art career. All this to say, I have come away from your workshop…

Jenn Williamson
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